Welcoming You to the EK Lifestyle

Welcome to One Bite at a Time!

"My hope in in my books and writings is to bring to your family as much knowledge as I can in an easy understandable way. A way that will help you to realize that yes, health and nutrition take time, effort, focus and money, but it’s really not as hard as you might think. You do not have to be a doctor or medical guru of any kind to get your family, your precious children on the right path to a healthy future. There will be ruts in the road ahead, there will some turns and hills, but if you are willing to push on and to keep gassing up your family nutritional car, you will raise healthy, vibrant, smart choice making adults. The future of our world! From one mom to the world of parents out there, I pray that my books are an insightful pathway to the future you long for."

All the EK Lifestyle calls for is a yearning to grow in awareness and understanding and an open mind to these truths that will be shared here in this blog, in my articles and books.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

More on IBS (Some things you can do)

Science Daily September 04

Researchers may have gotten good results with antibiotics but you don't need them to solve IBS. In fact, a drug-based solution makes no sense. During study on this topic and research done by leading experts I suggest that you find a source of raw milk and then produce kefir out of it or by some orgainic kefir. For those of you who don't know what kefir is, it is similar to yogurt and is very similar to make. All you do is stir in a kefir packet and room temperature raw milk and let it sit on the counter overnight and when you wake up in the morning the bacteria have reproduced and converted the milk into an many hundreds of billions of healthy bacteria.

If you want to try raw milk for yourself, look for a farm in your state by going to Real Milk

To battle IBS, you need to focus on what you are eating and how you are living. A few steps could get you and your intestines back on track:

Make better food choices. Pay careful attention to removing grains and sugars as they typically feed bad bacteria and gluten in particular can cause serious intestinal inflammation in many individuals. Focus on complex verse simple.

If you have problems with the frequency of your bowel movements please consider purchasing some organic flax seeds and grind 2 to 6 tablespoons fresh in a coffee grinder and consume it. It is full of alpha linolenic acid which will balance the omega 3 oils in cod liver or fish oil, but more importantly flax has water soluble fibers like lignans that will decrease diarrhea or improve constipation as these types of fibers are bowel movement normalize. Freshly ground flax seed is a far better option then most fiber supplements on the market.

Add coconut oil to your diet. Coconut oil has been shown to play a role in soothing inflammation and healing injury in the digestive tract. Its antimicrobial properties also promote intestinal health by killing troublesome microorganisms that may cause chronic inflammation.

Add Aloe Vera Juice to your diet. This has also been shown to help inflammation and sooth the intestinal tract to help speed the healing process.

Read More on IBS

For more information and product help please view Bowtrol, probiotics, sensitive cleanse for intestines, colon and parasites.

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