Welcoming You to the EK Lifestyle

Welcome to One Bite at a Time!

"My hope in in my books and writings is to bring to your family as much knowledge as I can in an easy understandable way. A way that will help you to realize that yes, health and nutrition take time, effort, focus and money, but it’s really not as hard as you might think. You do not have to be a doctor or medical guru of any kind to get your family, your precious children on the right path to a healthy future. There will be ruts in the road ahead, there will some turns and hills, but if you are willing to push on and to keep gassing up your family nutritional car, you will raise healthy, vibrant, smart choice making adults. The future of our world! From one mom to the world of parents out there, I pray that my books are an insightful pathway to the future you long for."

All the EK Lifestyle calls for is a yearning to grow in awareness and understanding and an open mind to these truths that will be shared here in this blog, in my articles and books.

To learn more about my projects, writings, and affiliations please click HERE

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What strengthens childrens bones the most?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Splenda and Aspartame linked to neurological and immunological disorders. Whats Your Story?

A few blog posts ago I talked about some serious chemical and amino acids that cause damage to the body. I would like to leave with you today that those same chemical compounds lead to not only many neurological and immunological disorders but also cause the reverse effect that they are sold for. They cause weight gain!

What am I talking about?

Artificial sweeteners. Aspartame and sucralose. (Nutra sweet and Splenda)

Do you have any stories about these chemical sweeteners? Please share your thoughts, questions and stories in a comment.

Do you know someone suffering from the toxic effects of aspartame? Learn how to detox from this excitotoxin.

Unsure about the safety of Splenda ?

So many of us out there don't realize the danger of these fake sugars. I have watched parents sit their little ones down with fresh fruit and a small bowl of splenda to dip their berries in. I use to be a big Diet Dr. Pepper drinker and was having blurred vision and migraines, then heard about a study done at the University of Washington that linked aspartame to lesions on the brain. I quite drinking my fav soda! One of my strongest testimony stories comes from a friend that I had helped. She was suffering from severe migraine's and had to go to the doctor at least once a day for shots to help with the pain. What was she to do, being the mother of three active children she needed to survive the day and be present for her kids. Never did she link that the diet Pepsi she was drinking everyday was the cause of these migraines! I knew I had the answer, I knew I had to speak out and share with her the research on these diet drinks. In a few short weeks her migraines subsided. No more migraine shots needed. Today her and her lovely family are aspartame free today and migraine free!

There are so many stories. What's yours.

Read Aspertame's Not So Sweet News

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