Welcoming You to the EK Lifestyle

Welcome to One Bite at a Time!

"My hope in in my books and writings is to bring to your family as much knowledge as I can in an easy understandable way. A way that will help you to realize that yes, health and nutrition take time, effort, focus and money, but it’s really not as hard as you might think. You do not have to be a doctor or medical guru of any kind to get your family, your precious children on the right path to a healthy future. There will be ruts in the road ahead, there will some turns and hills, but if you are willing to push on and to keep gassing up your family nutritional car, you will raise healthy, vibrant, smart choice making adults. The future of our world! From one mom to the world of parents out there, I pray that my books are an insightful pathway to the future you long for."

All the EK Lifestyle calls for is a yearning to grow in awareness and understanding and an open mind to these truths that will be shared here in this blog, in my articles and books.

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What strengthens childrens bones the most?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Scaring Your Kids Away From Fast Foods

According to a study by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), roughly a third of children polled didn't know the main ingredient in French fries.
And, about 10 percent of them thought fries were mostly made of oil; others suggested eggs, flour, and even apples. This may be part of the reason that an estimated half-million children in the UK will become obese or overweight over the next two years.


In hopes of scaring kids away from fast food, the foundation launched Food4Thought yesterday, a national campaign including billboards and posters of hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken nuggets as they would appear before their common ingredients are melded and processed into the food you see at the grocery store -- gristle, bones, and connective tissue.
The campaign is primarily an attempt to engage children on the subject of why certain foods are less healthy than others, and encourage them to become interested in what they are eating.
Targeting Children, Parents, and Society
But the BHF is also targeting the government, food industry, local authorities, schools and parents to get involved. The BHF has identified three critical areas for change:
Stop the marketing of unhealthy food and drink products to children
Ensure that nutritious food is affordable, accessible and appealing for children and parents
Provide children with opportunities to learn practical cooking skills

British Heart Foundation November 7, 2005
BBC News November 7, 2005

Everyone knows that our family is very health focused. But I will admit that all of my children do know a fast food location. We do on the rare occasion make use of such a place. My husband and I try and make it on a few date nights each month and on these nights we may ask the children,"what would you like for dinner?, Its treat night!"

It is the everyday use of the fast food industry that becomes a health concern. I was happy to hear when recently reported in a documentary on TV that places such as McDonald's have seen a decrease of almost a quarter in their profits/customers per year. This is good news for the American populations health. It is about time that we start to wake up and realize on a global scale how dangerous these pseudo foods can be. For any of you who watched Super Size Me you have a firm understanding of this epidemic and crisis.


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